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What If Silver Were Treated Like Gold?

The way banking works today, where our money is mostly debt-money, makes indentured slaves of us all. The more the main banks can extend new credit in exchange for our promises to repay, the more interest they can rake in, but the harder we have to work to service that debt. 

What If Silver Were Treated Like Gold

Gold is the money of Kings; Silver is the money of gentlemen; Barter is the money of peasants; But DEBT IS THE MONEY OF SLAVES!

With the present monetary system, based upon credit allocation by private banks, is unstable and unfair and is building an economy over-weighted with debt and house prices beyond sanity. It reduces the bulk of the population to debt slavery, whilst privileging the very few. If we wish to change track we must change the way in which money is created.

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Meet David

Investor . Speaker . Author . Strategist

An investment aficionado armed with degrees in finance and engineering, he created website and originated The Morgan Report, a monthly that covers economic news, overall financial health of the global economy, currency problems, and the key reasons for investing other assets such as the Resource Sectors.

David Morgan

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