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Yikes, That Was Unexpected...
If you are seeing this page then something went wrong.
Why are you seeing this page?
There can be a few reasons why you are seeing this page. Let's see if any of the following apply...
1. You tried to access this page directly.
For security reasons, this download page is not accessible directly. So... if you followed a link from another site, your buddy gave you this link or you saved the url to access later, you're out of luck. But not all is lost. If you feel this is in not correct and you were unable to retrieve your purchase, contact us to let us know. We'll figure out what went wrong.
2. You reached this page in error.
Technology can sometimes get the better of us. It could be this is an issue on our end. In which case are apologize. Click the contact us link or you can email us at:
3. You’ve found our junior developer’s homepage
Despite sleeping on the couch most of the day, our junior web developer still finds time to do some coding. I swear, it almost never pays to save money and cut corners on junior programmers.
Seriously, If you this you've found this page in error, let us know right away. We can rectify the issue rather quickly.
Just email:
David Morgan
© 2025 by The Silver Manifesto