You’ve asked for it you got it! Here is an outline of the whole Gold and Silver for Life Program
We’re heading into the final stage of taking clients and closing doors again and I wanted to remind you about everything in our program that you’re going to receive…
Every part of our program has been meticulously designed and chosen to remove friction between you and profiting from this Gold and Silver opportunity…
Lets cover every resource you’re going to receive:
Module 1: Fast-Track Onto The Playing Field
– I’ll hold your hand in a special 26 minute training, by the end of which you’ll be on the field, in the game and ready to profit by the month’s end.
– You’ll be risking nothing and gaining everything as you practice for real in a live environment and follow along with your first investment as you consume the rest of the training
Module 2: Bringing You Up To Speed, From Where You Are
– From 0 to Knowledgable, this module will bring you up to speed, no matter what your experience level, you’ll know as much about Gold & Silver as any “expert” and be able to tell the truth from the rubbish on sight…
– You’ll know which methods to use to buy, sell or hold Gold & Silver so you don’t get taken in many popular Gold & Silver scams in the market…
– You’ll get to learn how the wealthy buy Gold & Silver, you’ll know where to buy it to cash-flow, which accounts you need and everything you need to protect your wealth.
Module 3: Buying Gold & Silver Below Market Value
– You’ll learn where to buy, what to bid, how to negotiate so that you’re at-least 5-10% below market every time you buy Gold & Silver…
– You’ll learn how to judge the market so you get it at the right time, for the best deal and the most profit…
Module 4: Cash-Flowing Gold & Silver, Step By Step
– I’ll walk you through how to cash-flow your Gold & Silver monthly…
– You’ll know all the rules all the objections and all the steps to take to make sure your months are the most profitable…
– You’ll also learn to create a consistent, never-ending stream of cash-flow for as long as you hold the Gold & Silver…
Module 5: How To “Do It”, All
– You’ll follow me along as I take you click by click through every inch of the process, by the end you’ll know exactly what you’re doing, how to do it, when to do it, what to do if something goes wrong and everything about the execution of your investing…
Module 6: Growing Your Gold & Silver Fund, For Free!
– You’ll learn how to effectively compound to get the best ROI…
– You’ll learn to take advantage of ALL compounding opportunities that might show up in places you’re not looking…
– You’ll learn to manage your funds right to end up with the largest Gold & Silver fund possible…
Module 7: Hyper-Compounding Your Returns
– You’ll learn how to tie it all together so that it just works without effort, without constant adjusting and constant management…
– I’ll walk you through leveraging your ROI so that you can compound faster and better and bigger with the same money…
Module 8: Your Action Strategy For Fast Results
– I’ll give you a blueprint of what to do to get started fast, I mean opening accounts, getting the money investing and generating the ROI…
– You’ll have everything you need to go make this investment profitable, overnight!
Live Weekly Q&A Calls – No ongoing charge.
– I will be on the phone every single week (making allowances for travel) where you and the rest of our clients around the world can ask me what next action to take, what I would do and what you should do…
– I’ll be there to hold your hand and guide you if needed as to what action to take, not in theory, but LIVE in response to the market…
– You get these for as long as you need them… We still have people from December 2010 coming and attending the calls…
Clearly, with our 92% success rate, when the industry average in investment education is 3% – 8% shows that we’ve mastered the element of coaching which messes most people up…
The part where you get the support you need and we make sure you take the actions needed to get the response, not just for “the next 3 months” like most programs, but I’m talking about for the next few years…
20 Minute Management System
– This training will help you “structure” your management so that once you’ve been through the modules and have an understanding of the strategy, you know how to do it all in under 20 minutes a month, this is vital for time freedom.
Setting Up Your Accounts, The Right Way
– Setting up a broker account, a charting account or your virtual account the wrong way can hinder your progress by days, weeks or months. This short training will give you the key points to make sure that it’s done right the first time so you don’t have to revisit it and just get to making money, fast…
Mastering The Psychology Of Long Term Investing
– In this training, I bring one of my friends who runs a mindset training company to identify the key tools and techniques to use to maintain a psychology for long term investing. We talk about how to manage your natural greed/fear instincts, how to manage your emotions, manage anxiety given by others while investing and lots more on exactly what to do to keep your mind focused on generating the result…
And the best part?
We’ve really thought this through from your perspective so we’ve removed all non-essential jargon and complicated theory to only show you and teach you how to use exclusively what will make you money…
Everything else has been simplified to the point of not even being there, it’s just taken care of…
That’s why our strategy works like magic for new investors and experienced investors…
It’s like plugging in an appliance, vs building it.
Here’s the timeline between you and success with this strategy:
Now: You’ll go submit your application to join and book a 15 minute interview call where we make sure you’re a fit for the strategy and the strategy is a fit for your needs.
Day of your Call: You’ll speak to my assistant Isabel who’s been with me for over 5 years now and has spoken to almost every client we’ve had. She’ll ask you what she know I need to know.
Day After: She’ll report the notes back to me on our daily morning Client Review meetings and I personally approve or disapprove everyone. Whether you are approved or disapproved, she will call you to let you know. If you’re in she’ll send you an invoice for the tuition on our Results Financing or one time pay option, whichever you have selected.
That Same Day: You’ll get the invoice within 20 minutes of the call, it’s all online so it’s easy. You’ll open up our banking instructions, print them off or read them over the phone to your bank and send us an email confirming the tuition is on the way.
Later That Day: Once we have your confirmation of transfer we’ll go ahead and create your logins and get you registered into our learning centre and email you all your passwords. Because we have clients from everywhere in the world, we know transfers can take up to 3 days, so we work on the good faith of your transfer confirmation and give you access upon receipt of that so you can get started asap!
Within 20 Minutes Of Logging In: You’ll have followed my 26 minute “Fast Track Training” inside the learning centre and placed a virtual investment in Gold and Silver LIVE in the market following my step by step instructions. With no money at risk, this is one of the most effective tools to get you profitable fast. Then you’ll go through the rest of the simple, well paced training we have.
The Following Monday: You’ll be on the phone with me LIVE at the Q&A time, you’ll have placed a profitable virtual investment, I’ll give you feedback on that trade and we’ll be ROCKING!
That’s pretty much it, very very simple!
My assistant Isabel will be keeping very close in touch with you throughout the whole process to make sure everything is okay.
Oh… One more thing I think you’ll love…
Bonus: As a company we bank with currently the worlds only Offshore Private Bank that provides Gold and Silver backed savings accounts, 100% liquidity and no fractional reserve lending.
This means, no traditional banking risks! They don’t lend our deposits out, they don’t borrow against them. They make their money like a traditional Swiss Private Bank, on banking fees.
You’ll see their details when we send you the invoice with our banking instructions. For our clients, we’ve arranged an personal introduction to this bank, it’s totally subject to the banks acceptance of you as a client, we have no influence over that…
…but, if you want an account, once you’re inside the learning centre, head over to the video, email my Private Banker and subject to them accepting you, you’ll have an account with them opened!
We’ve got you totally covered here:
Take a minute to watch this video from me. I think it will help you understand a bit more.
Some of you may still have questions. We understand and have created this Questions and Answers video just for you.
This podcast below is in response to all the questions we’ve been getting from our subscribers. So I sat down with Minesh Bhindi and we answered your questions on How To Cash-Flow Gold & Silver and the Gold and Silver Life program.
Did you register for this free webinar yet?
If not, click the button below now….